Over 100 little gems are on the way home to me right now. I imagine them lying there in there little envelope on a Chinese airport waiting to be whisked away to Norway on a massive jet.
Yes, I heard you gasping over the big number. Plese keep in mind that 99 % of those things cost one dollar. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I am the ultimate bargain whore.
The last few items have been watches. I never been a watch person. I don't even like wearing bracelets. They feel weird, make noise when I'm working and is in the way. But, exams are coming up and I am always annoyd of constantly have to ask the exam-guard-people what the time is. So, I'm decided to "invest" in some cheap, fun watches. I'll try to get used to wearing them, and if not I can just carry them around! Here are the watched that are mine now!

Hm... Seeing them all together makes me feel a little bit sick. Who needs that many watches? Definitly not someone who dosn't even normally wear them!!!! Ahh I need help! This is sick.